Moving forward together with our customers


About Us

Alpha Solution Company Limited, established in 2013, is a technology consulting company that builds online shopping platforms and provides payment solutions. Our team members include software engineers, credit card payment specialists and graphic designers etc.

Our services are not only simply providing webstore development for small and medium-sized enterprises. Instead, we provide the service from the structural and UI design, server setup, marketing, webstore operation, payment integration, logistics arrangement, etc. So that our clients could do the Online To Offline (O2O) and expand the sales dimension of their businesses. For many enterprises, money, human resources, and time are expected to be consumed a lot and thus deterred them. We hope to support our clients in various aspects of e-commerce so they can focus on developing their products and business.

“Moving forward together with our customers” is our company’s mission. We are not only a software development company, but also a one-stop service consulting company in the field of e-commerce.



Website development

Software development


Independent URL

Most online shopping platforms such as Taobao would have a long URL link for enterprises. Independent URL are easier for customers to remember.

Easy to manage

The admin account could set different permissions to other admin accounts for easier management. There are also reports and order statistics to check for.

Online payment

The webstore supports many payment methods such as Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, Alipay and MPay etc.

Optimize SEO

Optimize search function to make it easier for customers to find their website through Google and Yahoo etc.

Warehouse management system

Combined with the warehouse management system, no manual inventory management is required. It can also simplify procurement and shipping processes.

Multifunction price management system

For different customers, time, and product categories, it can set different prices.

「SHOPPOINT商幫」 是一套完整的SaaS雲端開店系統,幫助中小企業快速建立自家的B2C購物網站,顧客可在首頁直接選購,無需繁瑣的註冊步驟,更有多種主流支付方式選擇,成功付款後顧客即時收到SMS短訊確認訂單,簡化購物流程。

Embed Different Payment Methods

支援多種收款方式,包括VISA, MASTER, 銀聯, 云閃付, 支付寶以及微信支付。

Webstore goes live quickly


BOC Settlement directly


MOTO Payment Link

商家可為特定客人建立獨立的支付鏈接(Payment link)或訂單,提升銷售的靈活性,產品或服務類型不受限制。

Efficient and Stable system


Integrate eBuy collection system


Real time sales performance and report


Seamlessly connect to social platforms

Facebook、IG、微信及各社交平台 一按連結或掃瞄二碼維購買,助你捉緊顧客的購買慾。

QR code scanning pickup

為企業制定了取貨配套, 只需掃瞄顧客出示的訂單二維碼便可完成訂單。

「AlphaHub 電貿集成平台」 是⼀套包含後台對接簡便及前台統⼀管理交易的電貿集成平台。

Aggregate payments

Single docking and support for multiple payment gateways. That save time on docking.

Easy change settings

Adding or changing the payment gateway is simply set up on the AlphaHub platform.

Unified query of transactions

Transactions of different payment gateways can be queried in AlphaHub.

Multiple admin

Support multi-admin accounts to enter the platform for query


We welcome various cooperation programs and moving forward together with our customers



Contact Us

4A, Nan Yue Commercial Centre, Avenida da Praia Grande 309-315, Macau

Tel: +853 2832 3274